Inclusion rules

In this page, you can be up-to-date to the rules I make about the inclusion of a certain band.

Acceptance criteria:
-Anything that have harsh vocals, such as screams, gutturals, pig squeals or some really rebelious and angry singing. It can be black metal, thrash metal, goregrind, symphonic melodic progressive avant-garde gothic metal, deathcore, screamo, EBM or hard rock, since it follows the rule above.

Rejection criteria:
-Instrumental songs with no harsh vocals. There are some instrumental musics around there that have no lyrics, but still have random screams or so and those are acceptable. No vocals = no acceptance. Of course, the violent instrumentation in a song with harsh vocals obviously helps it to get even more aggressive, but the vocals is what I take in consideration on TTOES;

-Commercial/Classical bands, e.g.: Linkin Park, System Of A Down / Sex Pistols, Pink Floyd, Nirvana. If a band that may have some screaming or growling appears on a commercial radio, at least, here in Europe, I won't accept it. I don't feature, also, "classical" bands that may have some harshiest type of vocals, such as the three ones I referred. Probably, the only bands that may suit in this lastest term are Plasmatics, Venom and Slayer, for obvious reasons.

-Songs with recorded samples of extraneous screaming people. I mean, songs which have recorded sound samples of a person's/people's voice screaming or growling, that you may find on the news or a documentary about terrorism, destruction or just a president shouting at an assembly.
There are some cases when an extraneous person's voice is recorded to be put into a music, in songs like "Damien" (Dreamlike Horror) and "Semblance of Liberty" (Epica).

-Something that is not officialy released by a band. A certain song can be even more extreme that all Demolition Hammer's discography all together, but if it was not released officialy by a band, it will not be accepted on TTOES. A song must be recorded and released by an actual band, in order to appear on my videos.

Contorversial bands

I know that Internet is full of people protesting, that complain about almost everything they see. Obviously, TTOES is not an exception. This huge compilation is full of lots of bands with different musical genres and people, so, don't expect to all the bands I've added thus far to sound like Devourment.
Actually, I never got a complain in one of my videos, but we can never predict the future, so, I am going to make a list of bands that may create some polemic around the most pokey people:

Korn and Slipknot
(Possible) complain reason: "Because it is mallcore and posers must die!!!!!!!!"
My explanation: Well, I don't really care if the bands I feature on the videos are nu metal bands. Since they have harsh vocals, they're ok.

Forever Still, Stitched up Heart and Flyleaf
(Possible) complain reason: "Their songs don't have full sections with screaming"
My explanation: That's true, the screams may not be too long, but they're harsh and appear, at least, at more than one single time. In my opinion, that seems enough.

(Possible) complain reason: "The vocals aren't made by real band members"
My explanation: That's also true and I said that I don't accept sound samples coming from another entities. However, all of Stalaggh's songs have those involuntary guest vocalists, making them as almost-actual-band members, IMO. Some people may not agree with this, but TTOES is my compilation, so I'm the one who decide about what it features or not. You can consider Stalaggh as an exception.
If you don't know the story behind this, let me introduce it to you: The members of this band thought in creating music to make it's listeners to fall into despair. In order to achieve this, they recorded the vocals at an asylum, where one of the band's members worked in. He got permission to use some of the patients screaming to his project. Allegadly, among the patients the band has worked with, there was one who was institutionalized for killing his mother by stabbing her 30 times. Creppy, don't you think?

The Black Satans and Hello Kitty Suicide Project
(Possible) complain reason: "Those are joke bands"
My explanation: They can be whatever they want, as long as they're actual bands and recorded extreme music.

Sonic Youth
(Possible) complain reason: "It's a "classic" band"
My explanation: If Led Zeppelin or Motörhead had ever created a song similar to "Mildred Pierce", they would be also acceptable.

Also important to concern:

-Bands that change name. Even if a band changes its name many times, I will forever refer it as one single band. Some people may consider that, when a band changes name, everything about it changes, diverging into two different bands. Well, I'm on the group of the people that don't think that way, as you can understand. When I feature a band and it suddenly changes its name, I will not feature it once again. In some cases, I use the old band's name or the new one (for example, "Luna Mortis", "Blade Of Horus" (new names) and "Tremor" (old name)), but I don't really make a big storyline about it, since it is the same band, after all. 

I hope to have made clear the inclusion rules to a band in TTOES. If you are still in doubt or have anything to suggest, in terms of criteria, contorversial bands or any other things, let me know about it!

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